📊Fixed Annual Percentage Yield

What is APY?

APY is short for Annual Percentage Yield and is used to measure the real rate of return on your principal amount by taking into account the effect of compounding interest. In the case of HoneyDoge Protocol, your $HDOGE tokens represent your principal, and the compound interest is added periodically on every Rebase event

Math behind the APY:

APY standardizes the rate of return. By providing the real percentage of growth that will be earn via a compound interest. The formula is as follows (1+r/n)n-1, where the r = period rate and n = number of compounding periods.

Honey Doge will provide a fixed APY of 1,000,000% which is a solid return for investors and more importantly is sustainable. Other auto-staking projects pay out an unsustainable amount of APY with no anti-dump feature integrated. With these unique tokenomics it provides the possibility of no major dumps to occur.

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